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TouchTile: Full Screen Feature Set

Full Screen!

TouchTile full screen on iPhone The Full Screen Feature Set makes room for more tiles by removing ads from the tile board, but also adds other features that make TouchTile more fun to use. Available for TouchTile on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.

Save Some Masterpieces

Save and Open ButtonsPurchasing the Full Screen Feature Set unveils Save and Open buttons. The save button saves a copy of the tile board, and the open button allows you to work on it later. You can keep a portfolio of your best masterpieces to show, or to work on later if you are in a mood to improve.

More Tile Colors

Palette examples Different color sets will be selectable. Three additional color sets are available as part of the Full Screen Feature Set: pastels, darks, and grays. As with any change to the color palette, the new colors will be available when you create a new tile board.

Goodbye Status Bar

No one needs to know you were flipping tiles until 2:32. When you take a screen shot to share your masterpiece, you can remove the status bar so that it is out of the picture.

Available Using In-App Purchase


When the App Store is available, the price will be listed and a Buy button will appear. Just tap Buy and complete the purchase.


If you purchased the Full Screen Feature Set and then re-loaded the app or are using a new device, you will need to restore the purchase. To do this, just tap Restore. Once you enter your Apple ID information and your previous purchase is verified, the features will be available. Just remember to use the account that you used to make the original purchase.

⬅ TouchTile